Home » Word On the Street » LOCAL ELECTIONS 2019



These are indeed perilous times.  I want to offer explanation as to why local elections are so critical at this historical juncture.  There is much discontent in this land.  The Federal Government needs to find its way.  In the meantime, America has been sustained by leaders in towns and cities in every corner of this still great land.  As we watch the news, we are far too often repulsed by what we see.  At the same time, not getting their true credit are County Executives and Legislators, Mayors and Councilors, District Attorneys and Judges, Comptrollers and City and Town Supervisors and Auditors.   American through and through.  These are Americans that sustain the people through genuine patriotic governing and are especially vital during times of upheaval and when we lose our way.

There are many good people running for office in Onondaga County.  I do not know enough about each of them to make the kind of recommendation I make here.  The names I provide are unique and extraordinary candidates that I know well and/or have worked with over the years.  They are candidates that I am qualified to recommend with first-hand knowledge that they will serve with integrity and good judgement in the finest of American tradition and the sacrifice that has allowed your vote to be.  They were chosen carefully with great integrity.  Each is a rare breed in the finest traditions of American pursuit.  That is why there are only seven. 

These are people that I know without question will place you first.  Each is unique and will serve as gatekeepers protecting you from political process that is not in your favor.

It is with great humility and great respect that I offer you the following candidates:

NAME                                                   OFFICE 

PAT HOGAN                                      COUNCILOR – 2ND DISTRICT



NORM SNYDER                                COUNCILOR AT LARGE


NADER MAROUN                            CITY AUDITOR

MARK KOLINSKI                             COUNTY CLERK 

Please feel free to cut out this list or better yet take a quick photo with your cell phone so that it is handy in the voting booth.

I want to offer a quick thought on each candidate to give you an idea why I support them.  Herewith:

Pat Hogan is the among the very multi-talented few, and most accomplished, fair, able, and awesome individuals that ever served this great city.  I am attracted to the unique and caring and those able to make things happen.  Pat is very special and has enormous experience and expertise.  At this critical juncture the City will have an asset that is among finest there is.    

Bill Fitzpatrick has been a friend for 40 years.  He is fair and firm and when you come to know him you clearly see that Bill also is among the very talented few.  I know stories of Bills kindness and strengths that are humbling and exemplify the finest that we can be.  He is extraordinary and when he speaks you perk up and sense confidence and greatness, insight and judgement.  Bill Fitzpatrick is indeed a very highly skilled and elite leader of the finest kind.

Marty Masterpole is a man of kindness, values and decency in ways that when you come to know him you feel you are among someone very special and very needed in Government.  Marty is across the board among the finest in politics.  I know stories about Marty’s pursuit of fairness and good that would give you chills of patriotism.  He is precisely what the County needs.

Norm Snyder.  What can I say?  Norm has a special place in my past.  We have been friends for 40 years.  I went to his wedding long ago.  Norman will without question serve this great city with integrity, compassion, and ability and he will be an awesome part of the fabulous team that is being forged in City Hall and Onondaga County.  Norm, your kindness in trying times has never been forgotten. Always the very best old friend.   

Dawson Brown is an accomplished elite professional and highly seasoned administrator with a highly successful background mostly (30 years) with the New York State Department of Corrections.  Dawson is kind and compassionate and his tenure with Corrections was a major contribution to fair justice.  He rose through the ranks ultimately becoming Superintendent of two large state prisons.  His greatest achievement that I have come to know is his son Alex.  Alex is a caring milti-talented young professional making an extraordinary contribution to the world of politics.  Truly one of the talented few that provides great hope for the future.  If you would like a very special example of extraordinary and elite please read Dawson’s letter to the Town of Geddes at geddessolvaydemocrats.com.

Nader Maroun is a highly intelligent, deeply insightful and caring individual.  Nader’s dedication to his work is extraordinary and his attentive insight is full of care.  The individual and the common good matter greatly to Nader.  I also can tell you stories about Nader that are humbling and represent the finest we can be.  Nader is an awesome individual with humbling heart and decency.  The finest of integrity and character are simply who Nader is.     

Mark Kolinski is exactly what the County Needs.  He is highly intelligent, highly qualified and dedicated to the well-being of Onondaga County.  Mark is a compassionate good man and he is the Father of Dan Kolinski one of the most talented and able young men I have ever known.  Dan alone is his parent’s recommendation.  With this kind of honest goodness and ability in County Government we will be in awesome hands.  Mark will serve with unmatched integrity and distinction.

High praise.  Indeed.  These are the talented few.  Each deserving of every word I say here with life histories replete, each day with living as the finest we can be.

I would be remiss if I did not mention Miles Bottrill.  I am sure Miles, qualifies but the list has immense integrity based on what I personally know as truth.  The only reason he is not on the list is that we do not have recent and personal association.  Miles is running for the County Legislatures 15th District.  Ryan McMahon appointed Miles to the seat he vacated for his new position as County Executive.   It must be 20 years ago that I wrote a column on Miles behalf.  If I recall correctly, he won in a very close squeaker.  We have not been in touch over the years but I recall the respect that Miles had earned from me at the time.   The new County Team brought Miles on board.  Clearly, they saw what I noted years ago.  Miles Bottrill will be great asset working among those from different parties with mutual respect.  With such thinking and the right individuals in place we cannot help but move forward.   

Local Government has never been more important.  These are incredibly vital times in American History and until the Federal Government stops selling the common good it is Local Officials that sustain the American way.  It is crucial that our very best find their way in to leadership. 

There is a new breed of leadership in Central New York.  You will note my recommendations come from both parties.  It is time for inspiration and great leaders.  It is time we all joined together regardless of party.  Let’s not just find common ground.  Let’s talk, find right and wrong, and then compromise, and then deliver and make this City and County the finest that they can be.

Bill McClellan