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Fighting Fibromyalgia

Last month I wrote about the manifest benefits of exercise. Right after I wrote the article there was yet another paper in the medical journals that further supported the evidence that regular exercise decreases cancer risk as well. Imagine that … a treatment that doesn’t involve tremendous expense, a treatment that doesn’t require special medicines … a treatment that doesn’t require a doctor’s supervision. We have no pill that lowers dementia risk, lowers cardiovascular risk and lowers risk of cancer all at the same time. Plus, you will actually feel better!!!

Fibromyalgia as defined by the Mayo Clinic is “a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.

This month I want to focus again on something really new, at least for Syracuse. There is a new treatment for Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia as defined by the Mayo Clinic is “a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues.” We still don’t have a good handle on what causes fibromyalgia. Some doctors think it’s all just depression. Some doctors believe it is an infectious disease and we just haven’t found the causative organism yet. So far the treatments for fibromyalgia involve pain meds, antidepressants and seizure meds like lyrica and neurontin used for their pain relieving properties. Of course we advise all patients to try exercise but it’s tough to get people in pain at rest to really exert themselves. Genetics may play some role but it’s not a certainty. Women are affected more than men but we don’t really have a handle on why.

Other than prescription meds we have advocated meditation, tai chi, yoga, massage and acupuncture all of which have shown some improvement in symptoms over time. The prescription drugs don’t fix or cure anything they just help deal with the symptoms. Of course, the meds can cause their own symptoms and the patient is left trying to decide what’s worse, the disease or the treatment.

Fibrocentix is a company which offers a new patented treatment which is safe and effective for most patients and is also all natural.

Now, however, there is something new. There is a company called Fibrocentix which offers a new patented treatment which is safe and effective for most patients and is also all natural. The company approached me about working with Fibro patients and since we don’t have any really good effective treatments I was all for trying it out. Any patient interested in the treatment gets seen by a trained specialist (not a nurse or doctor but someone with lots and lots of experience treating Fibro patients) for an educational and informational visit. At this visit the patient’s trigger points will be tested. Trigger point tenderness is one of the hallmarks of Fibro. Each patient after being evaluated is given a dose of the solution (it’s a liquid preparation) and can judge for themselves if it’s working. The visit and the trial of the medication is FREE. That’s right I used the F word. One of the reasons I was impressed with this company and its solution is that patients will know from the one free visit if the supplement works for them. YOU will be the judge of whether it works for you or not. If you get benefits from the supplement you take it for a few months and gradually wean off. If it doesn’t help … you do not proceed and keep looking for other solutions … it’s as straightforward as that! The solution is not guaranteed to work. I don’t think you can guarantee anything in the medical arena. I wouldn’t trust anyone that guarantees anything in medicine.

If you ask your doctor about this I expect that they will say … ”never heard of it.” If it’s not covered by insurance—and this treatment is not—doctors are not reading about it or being exposed to it. Insurance companies have to be dragged kicking and screaming to cover new meds, new FDA approved treatments, etc. -They sure are not going to warm up to the idea of covering an all natural patented supplement treatment. The insurance companies are not in charge of your health … you are. If you are in Fibro pain or know someone who is suffering from Fibromyalgia why wouldn’t you check this out. Since this doesn’t involve your insurance you don’t need a referral or anything like that. You can go to the web site and you will find a list of doctors who offer this treatment option and of course you can call us directly at 315-487-8109. You really have nothing to lose but possibly your pain !

Until next month … get well … stay well. JT BARRY MD

Dr. Barry