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Health Gift Giving

Well, it’s been a long and strange year and we can only hope that next year will restore some normality but I am

Your Doctor Says You Can’t Prevent or Treat Dementia Are They Wrong on Both Counts?

I have been reviewing Dr. Chris Knobe’s excellent work on the dangers of the seed oils, the omega 6 oils as inflammatory and

Change Your Health Destiny

I have two interesting things for you this month…both can be very helpful regarding your health and both are widely available and both

Poor Posture Can Affect Health

One thing I notice as people are out and about more, but honestly I see everyday in my office, is that people slouch.

The Energy Paradox

I will get to Magnesium in my next article but I just read Dr. Gundry’s, The Energy Paradox and wanted to bring it

Et Tu Ama

Covid 19 might be calming down finally but the world is still going crazy. I was going to write an article about Magnesium

Vitamin C is Not Just About Treating Your Cold

I just finished reading Dr. Thomas Levy’s book entitled “Stop America’s #1 Killer” which is about vitamin C deficiency.

To Jab or Not to Jab That is the Question

Well, the vaccines have arrived, and with it the push to vaccinate everyone. Never had covid? Better get vaccinated. Had a bad covid

Going To Pot… Potassium I Mean…

I have written previously to sing the praises of magnesium, and now I carry the torch for potassium.Potassium should be the third most

Detox Cocktail… Make Mine a Double

This is going to be a longish article and there is too much to cover in one issue but it’s another very