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Well it’s finally getting warmer in Central New York and that means thousands of parents will be slathering their young wards with

The Cardio ION Nutritional Test

Finally something new and exciting to talk about. Well it’s not actually new but its new to New York State.

Some Thoughts About Protein

Protein shakes and paleo diets are all the rage right now but I’ve got to ring a cautionary note (if I may)

Your Money’s Worth … You’re not Getting it

Something is wrong and it’s not in Denmark. It’s in the American healthcare system.

Butter Is Back Baby

I am not controversial by nature or training but I can’t run from a fight either. It pains me greatly when I


Failure … biggest loser … double failure if you want to be technically accurate. I don’t think I brag about my successes

Fiber Fiber Everywhere

On my radio show recently I had to admit I made a mistake.

To Be Or Not To Be Telomeres Are The Question

My friend Stan wanted me to write more about collagen but I need to get back to even more basic science. 

Guard Yourself Against the Gardasil Vaccine

I focus my practice on diet, exercise, sleep and stress but as an doctor I have given out my share and then

Joint Juice Anyone?

For once I am writing about something non controversial … or at least less controversial than arguing about statin drugs, proton pump