Home » Articles posted byMadison Neuner (Page 2)

8 Simple DIY Self-Care Methods

Taking care of your mental health requires intention and effort, but it doesn’t have to be super time-intensive or expensive to take

How to Combat Seasonal Depression

We’re in Central New York, so we’re all used to long, cloudy winters. It’s March, so we may have some warmer, sunnier

Self-Talk: Putting Yourself on the Path to Positivity

When I ran competitively at Northeastern University, my coach had this saying that has really stuck with me: “It’s all about the

How to Start Journaling

With the start of the New Year has also come the annual tradition of New Year’s resolutions.

Reap the Physical and Mental Rewards of Excercise

All of my family and friends know that I am a dedicated distance runner. I’ve been running since I was 15, and

How to Support Someone Who’s Struggling with Their Mental Health

In last month’s My Mind To Yours, I described the benefits of therapy. I left off by noting that an alternative to

The Benefits of Therapy

I used to hate therapy. If you read my first story for the My Mind To Yours column in September, you know

The Importance of Destigmatizing Mental Illness

About one in four people struggles with a mental illness. Twice as many people have symptoms of anxiety and depression, like sadness
