Home » My Mind To Yours (Page 4)

Kitchen Conversations and Personal Power

Organized institutions and systems, and the individual people functioning within those systems have moving parts and institutional memories.

Going to Seed

My garden is going to seed. Across my yard, the purple coneflowers have lost their petals, spiky brown seed heads remain.

School’s Always in Session

August is back to school season for many people. In August 2021, we are still surfing the waves of COVID 19.

History’s Emanations

A recent NY Times Op-Ed piece asks, “Can Silicon Valley Find God?” In a controlled study, doctoral candidate Linda Kinstler sought answers she

Seats at the Table

Recently, I enjoyed dinner at a west side restaurant with a dining group. One young man wore an enneagram pendant about which I

Thinking on Paper

Many writers say that they write to know what they think. Stephen King, Joan Didion, and Flannery O’Connor are said to have said

Reviewing the Reviews

I wrote, and, after the verdict came in in the Derek Chauvin trial, rewrote this paragraph on April 20.

The Forest and the Trees

I started reading books about memory and brain function following a diagnosis for celiac disease. Eliminating gluten, and the sugar that surrounded that

For Women’s History Month 2021

The theme for Women’s History Month 2020 was “Valiant Women of the Vote.” 2021 builds on 2020’s theme: “Valiant Women of the Vote:

Who’s Your Hero?

I intended to write about two golfers, one who is not a golf hero and the other, Tiger Woods, who is considered