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Yesterday on Film Today

The December 21 Post-Standard published commentary by Atlanta Journal-Constitution editor in chief Kevin Riley, in which Riley points out misrepresentations in

Listening To Ourselves

Long ago and not so far away, I heard someone in a support group say that people often say the things that

Quantum Consciousness

If I search for a/the definition of quantum theory, I find reference to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics deals with the motion and

Expanding Our Discussions

The September 24 Post-Standard featured an article by Anna Clark headlined “Affordable clean water is a racial issue.” The headline stated “separate

Points on the Map

Philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), wrote that life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

Speaking of Histories

Individuals, families, communities, nations, cultures and cultures within nations all have historical summaries and timelines that guide their thinking and belief. Every

Love and Power

From 2005 until 2009, in the village of Manitoba, Bolivia, a group of Mennonite men raped and sexually abused at least 130

Thinking about Notre Dame

I first learned that Notre Dame Cathedral was burning when my Android device notified me that a European Facebook page devoted to

Trickle Down History

I just finished reading Reza Aslan’s book “Zealot,” a book in which Aslan recounts what he finds to be historically known about

Left Right Left

For this article, I searched online to find a source that confirmed my personal understanding of the term “euphoric recall,” an experience