Home » My Mind To Yours (Page 9)

Health Care by Gaslight

In 2006, retired NY Times reporter David Rosenbaum lay unattended in a Washington D.C. hospital after being found unconscious in the street,

Don’t Keep It to Yourself

A recent television advertisement for a popular national dating site depicts a couple seated at a table for two in a restaurant

Rallying Redux

I attended the Syracuse Sister Rally held on January 21 at the James M. Hanley Federal Building. I always vote but rarely

Knowledge Is Power

I’m writing this on the Winter Solstice, feeling optimistic about the sunlight increasing, day by day, incrementally. All natural progressions and cycles

Pre-Existing Conditions

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men,” reads Luke 2:14 of the King James version of

Cause, Effect and Harvest Time

Whatever the outcome, the 2016 Presidential Election reveals many root ideological issues. History handed down through books, records and reminiscence is always a

Tough Crowd 2016

The 2016 presidential campaign is the scariest campaign I’ve observed since I first voted.

Past Perfect Tense

The world and everything in it, ourselves included, consist of moving parts. An adult brain consumes twenty to thirty percent of that adult’s

Words Matter

Barbra Streisand sang, “People who need people are the luckiest people in the world.”   Well…perhaps not so lucky.  Every “we” needs

Let’s Talk

Addiction specialists, public officials and the families of addicts confronting rising heroin addiction suggest that Central New York needs more treatment facilities and