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Fall for Fitness this October

One would think that you would rather hunker down at home during the colder months like January and February than bundle up and head to the gym, right? Well, this is partially true. According to research, the month of October marks the beginning of what we call the “fitness pitfall.” In fact, in October, we often see the least number of check-ins at the gym for the year. I have a hunch you know why, but let’s stay positive and focus on how we can change that!

Fall, is the perfect time for a transition. The kids are back to school, the holidays are right around the corner, and the crispness in the air invites us to enjoy the last bit of good weather before the colder months arrive.

If you’re on the struggle bus, there’s no need to worry. You can fall back into fitness this October! Here are a few tips to help you get started.

The 30 Day Rule

The 30-day rule is a good starting point. It takes about four weeks for your body to fully adapt to health and fitness changes. That means that giving up after just a few weeks has the potential to reverse all the progress you have made up to that point. Give your body the chance to catch up with your mind by sticking it out. By establishing a regular exercise routine, you significantly increase the chances of making it a lasting habit.

Meet Up with a Friend

Many gyms switch up their group fitness class schedules in the fall, adding all kinds of new classes. Spice things up by trying something new! Ask a friend to join you. If you’re having a tough time staying motivated, try doing a few sessions with a fitness professional. Whenever you set up a time to meet someone at the gym, whether it be a friend or a personal trainer, there’s an automatic obligation to go, no matter how uninspired you may feel.

Step Outside

Everything about the fall – both the weather and the holidays – is enticing. Mother nature provides us with its beautiful fall foliage which we can take advantage of while we actively enjoy the outdoors. Whether you are a runner, like to hike, or just walk, the brisk mornings and cooler evenings provide the perfect opportunity to exercise in comfort. Grab a friend or a family member and head to the park for a few laps. Step it up with some push-ups, lunges, burpees, or jumping jacks.

Say “No” to Halloween Candy

Did you have to buy more Halloween candy because someone in your household already ate it? You know who you are. Even though it probably wasn’t your intention, buying it early or keeping it out for family members to help themselves can be a recipe for disaster. Don’t purchase Halloween candy too soon and when you do buy it, only buy what you need. Remember, moderation is key! A piece of candy here or there isn’t going to hurt you, but having it out and easily accessible makes it a lot harder to avoid. It’s okay to indulge once in a while, but do so in moderation! This way you’ll be able to enjoy the tastes of fall without having to go up a size in your jeans!

Savor the Season

Instead of diving into the candy dish, check out the produce aisle. Foods like apples, figs, pears, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and winter squash are plentiful during the fall season. Look up a few new recipes and make a date with your kids, significant other, or a friend. Not only is this a great way to spend quality time with those you love, but you will also create healthier habits together!

Layer Up

In the fall, weather can be unpredictable and quickly shift, so you want to make it easy to change what you’re wearing according to the temperature. Having the right layers both protects against unexpected weather and enables you to adjust as your activity warms up.

Layering for the fall is easy when you have strategic pieces of clothing in your closet. For wet days, look for top and bottom layers that resists elements like wind and water. Top layers should include a base layer and a shell jacket. For bottom layers, you’re going to want to include moisture-wicking leggings. Having accessories such as a hat, headband and light gloves are also highly recommended. To be extra prepared, bring along a mid-layer to seal in warmth when you need it most. Remember, choosing the right active wear will ensure you step outdoors with confidence and it will help you get the most out of your workouts.

Commitment, Convenience, Consistency

Living a healthy lifestyle is only made possible if you are able to incorporate the three C’s. A commitment is an agreement or promise to do something in the future. A commitment to your fitness goals, means that you are coming to this decision with determination and a well-thought-out plan to be dedicated! Convenience means you aren’t driving thirty minutes every day to visit a gym you only stay at for ten minutes. Exercise needs to be convenient for you to stick with the plan. Choose a gym that is close to home or in route on your way home from work. Pack a bag the night before so you don’t have any excuse to skip out. Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes toward people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something they do. Consistency is the result of your commitment and convenience. If your plan is carefully thought out, you remain consistent (which brings us back to the 30-day rule).

In Conclusion:

Don’t hold off on your exercise goals until January when you have the opportunity to get started today! Getting a head start now will allow you to have better success at continuing those healthy habits throughout the year. Fall for fitness this October and make this season your healthiest yet. Good luck to you.

I have been a personal trainer for over twenty-five years and I absolutely love what I do. I honestly feel that I have one of the best jobs out there! The most rewarding part of my profession is helping one of my clients succeed at reaching their goals. Making a difference in someone’s life makes it all worthwhile. I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science Association.

Jennifer Nastasi Guzelak
I have been a personal trainer for over seventeen years and I absolutely love what I do. I honestly feel that I have one of the best jobs out there! The most rewarding part of my profession is helping one of my clients succeed at reaching their personal fitness goals. Making a difference in someone’s life makes it all worthwhile. I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science Association.