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It’s Never Too Late To Start

A full day of work, school, errands and child care can wipe just about anyone out. By the end of the day, finding the time to sit down let alone exercise can seem almost impossible.

Some people love to exercise; for others, it is the bane of their existence. I don’t have time, I’m too tired, I’ve tried before, I don’t know where to start, and I’m too old! Do any of these excuses sound familiar? Whether it’s too little time, not enough energy, or because you are a self-proclaimed couch potato, it’s never too late to start!

Whether it’s too little time, not enough energy, or because you are a self-proclaimed couch potato, it’s never too late to start!

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that exercise, like broccoli, fiber and flossing, is good for you, but there are things about it that you just don’t like. There are those annoying people at the gym, confusion about where to begin, getting sweaty and stinky, and that dreaded box of metal that you hate, I repeat hate stepping on.

Being more physically active doesn’t just make your butt look better. It can also save it in the office, at home and at the doctor’s office. According to a new study, regular exercise can give people of all ages a major health boost, even if they were previously inactive. Even seniors who never exercised before saw major health benefits by becoming more active later in life.

A sedentary lifestyle is a prominent risk factor for many health related disorders. In fact, inactivity is as much of a health risk as smoking, excess drinking, and obesity and is the leading cause of a reduced life expectancy. Our bodies were meant to move! If you don’t exercise, your muscles will become flabby and weak. Your heart and lungs won’t function efficiently, and your joints will be stiff and easily injured.

No matter what you don’t like about exercise, I know this will help you change your mind. Survey after survey has made it clear. If you exercise regularly you won’t just be more likely to feel better, you will be more effective and productive at ‘living life.’ Now that’s encouraging!

Our bodies were meant to move! If you don’t exercise, your muscles will become flabby and weak.

Here are just a few good reasons why you should get started today.

1. You should work out because it makes you happy! You bet it will. You’ll feel so much better after you exercise. Study after study confirms the direct relationship between exercise and increased ‘feel-good’ hormones. An hour of exercise creates a feeling of euphoria that lasts well beyond your time spent at the gym. In fact, a recent study has confirmed that serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels in the hippocampus were significantly increased by exercise, suggesting physical activity can help manage depression.

2. You should work out to make your life easier. Being stronger, leaner, happier and more capable can definitely make life more manageable. For example: When you have to carry groceries, move furniture, mow the lawn or go up and down the stairs with a load of laundry it will be a piece of cake! If you are weak, out of shape and unhappy these everyday tasks can be a real struggle.

3. Working out helps you win at life. Setting and achieving goals inside the weight room helps you set and achieve goals outside of it as well. Initially, these victories are small, but eventually, the accomplishment of your goals will help improve and define your life.

4. You should work out because you care. Your family, friends, and loved ones deserve you at your best. If you’re not healthy, you are no good to anyone and abusing or mismanaging your body is a disservice to them just as much as it is to you.

5. You should work out because you can. Every time you walk into the gym, you need to remind yourself of this. There are people out there that can’t tie up their sneakers and go for a run. They can’t drive to the gym to workout with friends and they aren’t able to get on a bicycle and ride to the park.

6. Okay, you can work out to turn a few heads. There’s nothing wrong with that either!

If you’re still not convinced, here is a list of reasons why exercise is so important:

• Less stress in your life

A better handle on weight control (because it increases your metabolism and burns calories)

• A better nights rest

• Improved overall appearance

• Improved cardiovascular endurance

• More confidence

• Increased chance of living longer

• Stronger bones and muscles

• Increased flexibility and range of motion

• Increased energy

• Increased libido

• Improved quality of life

• Improved frame of mind (exercise has both physiological and psychological benefits)

• Improved balance and coordination

• Increased resistance to infections and disease

• Reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure

You should work out because you care. Your family, friends, and loved ones deserve you at your best.

In Conclusion:

Finding the courage to start a fitness program may be a challenge, but it’s one of the most important commitments you will make. Exercise and physical activity can not only add years to your life, but it can increase the number of years you are healthy.

Regular exercise is one of the cornerstones of a healthy, vital, body and mind. You will not only feel better, but you will look better too. Even more important, you will have more time to spend with family, friends and the ones you love.

Remember, if you have a big enough reason why you want to achieve something you will do whatever it takes, but if your reason isn’t big enough your excuses will be.

I have been a personal trainer for over seventeen years and I absolutely love what I do. I honestly feel that I have one of the best jobs out there! The most rewarding part of my profession is helping one of my clients succeed at reaching their personal fitness goals. Making a difference in someone’s life makes it all worthwhile. I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science Association.

Jennifer Nastasi Guzelak
I have been a personal trainer for over seventeen years and I absolutely love what I do. I honestly feel that I have one of the best jobs out there! The most rewarding part of my profession is helping one of my clients succeed at reaching their personal fitness goals. Making a difference in someone’s life makes it all worthwhile. I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science Association.