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Purity of Essence Mandrake!

Perhaps you’ve become aware of the plot by certain elected officials to purchase from China a toxic chemical which is a toxic waste byproduct of manufacturing and directly injected into our water supply. Conspiracy theory?

Well, if you consider fluoride a toxic chemical as I do, then this isn’t a conspiracy, it’s a fact! I checked on the web and OCWA puts fluoride in our water supply.

The American Dental Association says fluoride is essential to the healthy teeth of the children of our nation. It’s so critical that it has to be put in our drinking water.

Unfortunately, after really looking at the evidence, not just the guidelines, the science just doesn’t support their statements and as you read below the people who oppose fluoridation have great credentials and nothing to gain by stating their views. Personally, before requiring everyone to drink this additive or to take a vaccine for that matter you better have grade one proof that this is safe and effective. I don’t believe those criteria have been met for fluoridation and I’m not alone in this belief.

I have a good friend who’s responsible for bringing fluoridation of the water to his local community. I present to him the counter-manding evidence that suggests fluoridation actually produces a small degree of mental retardation in children and this has been shown over and over again. Here’s a link to an article in the Journal of Environmental Health just published in 2019 that reviews this issue and substantiates the fact that negative neurological effects are occurring at routine fluoridation levels. That’s right, fluoridation causes a degree of mental retardation. PMC6923889. My doctor friend when confronted with this just tuned me out. He won’t believe it. He can’t believe it. He trusts the ADA. Well, if such a prestigious organization, steeped in science, says it’s okay it must be alright. Of course, he never did any independent investigation, just trusted the government and the ADA.

First off, man didn’t start getting cavities until the Neolithic era. The ancient skulls of our long distant forefathers rarely had cavities until we started eating grain products around 10-15,000 years ago. We started eating grain products and our bones got weaker, our stature shrank, and we got cavities. Yes, Paleolithic and Mesolithic skulls showed signs of cavities but not anywhere near to the extent and the degree as from the last 10,000 years. Ancient man did not fluoridate. So, it’s the diet that increases cavities, not the absence or presence of fluoride in the water. Giving fluoride to children in the form of toothpaste is one thing, fluoridating the water for the consumption of all is another thing.

The ADA website will tell you that fluoride is safe and is a natural substance. What they’re putting in the water is not elemental fluoride, they’re putting in a fluoride compound that is actually, as mentioned previously, the toxic waste from certain manufacturing processes. The most pervasive type of fluoride being added to municipal water is hydrofluorosilicic acid. This is a neurotoxic industrial waste byproduct of aluminum, steel, cement, and phosphate fertilizer industries. This chemical damages the immune system, digestive system, respiratory system, kidney, liver, and thyroid. This is w

hat we’re buying from the Chinese and injecting into our water supply.

Here’s a direct quote from the CDC regarding the strength of evidence for fluoridation of community water. “Despite the strengths of early studies of the efficacy of naturally occurring fluoride in community drinking water, the limitations of these studies make summarizing the quality of evidence on community water fluoridation as Grade I inappropriate. The quality of evidence from studies on the effectiveness of adjusting fluoride concentration in community water to optimal levels is Grade II-1. So, from the CDC itself we have the above paragraph that clearly states that fluoridation of community water does not have a grade one indication (that’s the highest grade you can get) and it’s the grade you should have in order to add something to the drinking water. I’m not saying that fluoride doesn’t reduce cavities. I’m saying that fluoride should be in the form of toothpaste and topical applications, not something put in the water for everyone. There is a well known side effect of excessive fluoride called fluorosis.

This is discoloration of the teeth. Fluoride has to be administered in a very tiny dose and if you trust our officials to oversee this I would like to sell you some water from Detroit or Flint Michigan.

Okay let’s look at some of the people that opposed this addition to our water supply. Let’s start with Dr. Robert Carlton; he’s the former scientist for the EPA. “It is my best judgment, reached with a high degree of scientific certainty, that fluoridation presents unacceptable risks to public health, and that the government cannot prove its claims of safety.” He goes on to say that fluoridation “is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century if not of all time” and this is coming from a guy who worked in the government in this industry.

How about Nobel Prize winner Avrid Carlsson? “Fluoridation is against all principles of modern pharmacology. It’s really obsolete.” and “Those Nations that are still using it should feel ashamed of themselves. It’s against Science actually.”

Then there’s Dean Burk. He worked at the National Cancer Institute as a senior chemist. He was head of the cytochemistry laboratory when he retired in 1974. He also taught biochemistry at the Cornell University Medical School from 1939 to 1941. He was a research master at George Washington University. Burk was a close friend and co-author with Otto Heinrich Warburg. He was a co-developer of the prototype of the Magnetic Resonance Scanner. Burk published more than 250 scientific articles in his lifetime. Burk considered fluoridation as “mass murder on a grand scale.” Here’s a beautiful short YouTube video where he gives his opinion.


On April 12th 2010 Time Magazine listed fluoride as one of the top 10 common household toxins and described fluoride as both neurotoxic and potentially tumorigenic if swallowed.

Well, how well does fluoride work at preventing cavities? In the mid-1980s the World Health Organization, using data from 39,000 school children and 84 areas around the country, showed no statistically significant difference in rates of tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

Ty Bollinger in his book Monumental Myths of the Modern Medical Mafia and Mainstream Media has a great chapter about fluoride. In his book, chapter 31 it goes through the history of the introduction of fluoride into the drinking water which unsurprisingly was heavily sponsored by industry.

Another great resource for this topic is the Fluoride Action Network website. fluoridealert.org. Here are a few paragraphs describing how most of the countries of Europe don’t fluoridate and yet their cavity rate is very similar to ours and has decreased in a similar manner despite not using fluoride… “Although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control hails water fluoridation as one of the “top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century,” most of the western world, including the vast majority of western Europe, does not fluoridate its water supply.

At present, 97% of the western European population drinks non-fluoridated water. This includes: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, and approximately 90% of both the United Kingdom and Spain. Wikipedia confirms that these countries don’t fluoridate: Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, and Latvia. Although some of these countries fluoridate their salt, the majority do not. (The only western European countries that allow salt fluoridation are Austria, France, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.)

Despite foregoing “one of the top ten public health achievements of the twentieth century,” tooth decay rates have declined in Europe as precipitously over the past 50 years as they have in the United States. This raises serious questions about the CDC’s assertion that the decline of tooth decay in the United States since the 1950s is largely attributable to the advent of water fluoridation.”

Fluoridation is not an issue for me because I live on well water and drink water that has been through a reverse osmosis filter and then I add minerals. I also have my well tested for impurities on a regular basis. If I was served by the Onondaga County Water Authority I would have questions about what they’re putting in my water. I think we should take fluoride out of our water supply. I wish I could trust what I am told by major corporations and foundations and organizations like the ADA and the AMA but I’ve learned, unfortunately, that I can’t. I have to do my own research and you have to as well.

Until next month get well and stay well.

Dr. Barry