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Stay Grounded

This month we are talking about a very very interesting topic that I think is highly unlikely you have heard of before and we are going to go 

Is it just a coincidence that at the same time we started routinely putting rubber soles on footwear the incidence of inflammatory diseases has been on the rise?

—in the space of these few pages — from you laughing out loud at the idea to agreeing to the concept and intrigued by the idea.

You ground yourself by walking outdoors barefoot or sleeping on the ground like we did for 100,000 years or you can either make your own grounding equipment or readily buy it on the internet.

In short, your shoes are contributing to your poor health. That’s right … your shoes, your footwear. Let me explain. … The shoes we wear are insulating us from the ground we walk on and that insulation — that lack of grounding— is not good for us. We spend millions of dollars to ground electrical equipment. We ground patients in the operating room. What’s wrong with the idea that we too should be grounded so that we stay  connected not only to the planet but the ready flow of electrons that we can use as natural antioxidants. Is it just a coincidence that at the same time we started routinely putting rubber soles on footwear the incidence of inflammatory diseases has been on the rise?iles up and its ionizing radiation create a positive pole and the earth with its negative charge is the negative poll and hence a ready electron donor/antioxidant. When you wear shoes or are indoors you are no longer grounded and you can measure this very easily with inexpensive equipment that you can use to prove all this to yourself. -Hook yourself up to a properly grounded voltmeter and you’ll likely find you carry a 1200 to 1800 millivolt charge that instantly goes to zero when you ground yourself. You ground yourself by walking outdoors barefoot or sleeping on the ground like we did for 100,000 years or you can either make your own grounding equipment or readily buy it on the internet.

Everyone is looking for an antioxidant. Oxidation is the process by which damage is done to your tissues. Antioxidants are expected to provide benefit in slowing or preventing heart disease, dementia, and even cancer. The evidence is far from conclusive as the very clear science at the bench top has so far not been
translated clinically. Having said that, the oxidation hypothesis of disease is the dominant theme in medicine today.

Grounding yourself allows electrons to flow from the earth’s surface all through you and these electrons interact with the oxidants present to neutralize them. This spares your bodies cells from having to provide the antioxidant and thereby damaging themselves.

This is not some new age supposition. There are over 20 studies —most of them of the highest quality (meaning they are double blinded placebo controlled)— regarding grounding. This is not a huge number of study participants but grounding patients has been shown to “improve mood, improve sleep, normalize the day night cortisol pattern, shift the autonomic nervous system to the parasympathetic side, and speed wound healing. Most who slept grounded reported symptomatic improvement in sleep and pain, and some also reported significant relief from asthmatic and respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, pms, sleep apnea, and hypertension. According to the journal of environmental and public health:  “… these results indicated that the effects of earthing go beyond reduction of pain and improvements in sleep.” Yet another study found that grounding during a single night of sleep led to significant changes in concentrations of minerals and electrolytes in the subjects’ blood, and grounding for 72 hours led to a decrease in fasting glucose among people with diabetes.

The studies are small in sample size but impressive for their scientific rigor. This type of device —a grounding pad— is an ideal device for a test because of it’s easy to use placebo grounding which looks to the test subject exactly the same. Even the researchers did not know who was grounded. The results just for sleep alone were very impressive:

Now it’s trendy to use the term earthing instead of grounding but I prefer the latter term. I am either
grounded or ungrounded. I am either earthed or what? Unearthed? Mooned? You will see both terms when you look on the internet … and that is where you should go next. I have laid out the basic science for you. Do your own research.

Look for the youtube video entitled Clint Ober demonstrates Earthing. Or check out the documentary Grounded. Nowadays the only times we are barefoot outdoors is at the beach. We have disconnected ourselves from the planet. Why not look into reconnecting and see if it can help with your sleep, your chronic pain, your inflammatory state. You are not going to get any of this from your doctors office. Unfortunately today you have to take charge of your own healthcare and seek help outside of the conventional medical model. You know the model … what’s the problem? … here’s a pill. New problem? -New pill! There has to be a better way. There is a better way and that is to focus on your diet and exercise to improve your health and not rely on big pharma to improve your health. Big pharma might stabilize things but it’s up to you to improve your own health. Dr. James Oschman professor of biology at Woods Hole Oceanic Research Center has said that Grounding might be more important than the discovery of penicillin!

Your doctor hasn’t heard of this. It is not covered by insurance. It doesn’t need a prescription. It is not mentioned in the major medical journals so … no, your doctor knows nothing about it. Luckily for you, you don’t need your doctor for this. All you need is knowledge … knowledge you can get reliably from the internet …
knowledge to learn how to use simple materials to ground yourself or just buy the kits on line and judge for yourself. There is absolutely no way you can be harmed by grounding. There are not any medical contraindications. There are no interactions with your medicine (your pacemaker, etc.). Ground yourself. -Feel the benefits then spread the word!

Until next time … get well … stay well.

Dr. Barry