Home » Articles posted byDebra Merryweather (Page 4)

Getting Grief

I was driving to meet friends for dinner in early August. My route took me along Highland Avenue where, at the stop sign

Sticks and Stones Through Time

In, “Hell and Other Destinations,” the former and first female secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, suggests we need to know that many

My Pandemic Musings

I was enjoying my first helping of Dosa Grill’s lunch buffet when the manager approached our booth to tell my friend and

Just the Facts Please

By the time anyone reads this, our Chief Executive’s April 23 Coronavirus Task Force Briefing remarks/questions/ suggestions to Dr. Deborah Birx and

Multiple Family Values

The March 2020 The Atlantic features an article, “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake,” by David Brooks, NY Times columnist and frequent

Up to This Minute

On January 22, the State of Utah joined 18 other states in outlawing so-called conversion therapy intended to change LGBTQ children into

Yesterday on Film Today

The December 21 Post-Standard published commentary by Atlanta Journal-Constitution editor in chief Kevin Riley, in which Riley points out misrepresentations in

Listening To Ourselves

Long ago and not so far away, I heard someone in a support group say that people often say the things that

Quantum Consciousness

If I search for a/the definition of quantum theory, I find reference to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics deals with the motion and

Points on the Map

Philosopher and theologian Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), wrote that life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
