Home » Articles posted byNancy Roberts (Page 19)

The Fish Cove

Let’s see if we can get through this story without getting hungry for a great fish dinner!

A Cloudy Day

A recent challenge: explaining “the cloud” to a person who had no interest in such things.

The Pier

I sat across from three excited, paint-splattered, slightly tired, but cheerful and enthusiastic team members on lovely Chiavari chairs and listened as


Well, of COURSE the topic du jour is Facebook.

Gerharz Equipment Central Restaurant Supply 

Real People. Real Experts. Real Customer Service.

The Adventures of Roberts & Watson

I admit it – I harbor some belief in conspiracy theories. Mainly because some of them actually have merit. From the notebooks

The Oasis at Thunder Island: Entertainment Destination

Early this past summer I had a great time chatting with Ron Falise, who, with his wife Elizabeth, owns and operates the

Net Neutral

Net neutrality – that’s the topic du jour in matters technical.

It’s a confused, and confusing, subject.

There’s An App for That

Way back when, I was part of a call-in show on Time Warner called Point ‘n’ Click. The show was fun, informative, and

Muddy Waters – Kitchen & Bar

On a chilly Friday evening-after-Thanksgiving, my friend and I found the stairs leading down under Sammy Malone’s to a place called Muddy