Home » My Mind To Yours (Page 8)

Speaking of Boundaries

Jared Diamond, in his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel – The Fates of Human Societies, recounts a 1972 conversation with a New

Getting There from Here

Last year, I got to see sights from a car making its way on I90 across Lake Washington and on into Seattle

Thinking Naturally

Like animals in the wild, we’re instinctual. The serotonin that resides in our guts and our brains is the same neurotransmitter that,

What’s the Story Here?

Staunch gun control advocates say guns cause mass shootings.

Gun rights advocates say mental illness causes mass shootings.

Our Screened Dreams

TV and movie awards shows provide many opportunities for artists and celebrities to promote style and ideas along with their work.

New Tracks Through Old Growth

On December 19, readers responding to NY Times coverage of the Amtrak train wreck in Washington State flooded the comments section with

Media and Belief

Soon after the NY Times ran a story exposing Louis C.K. for exposing himself, Louis C.K. wrote, “At the time, I said

Our Holistic Histories

This November brings with it an election in which NYS is asking voters if they want to hold a Constitutional Convention.

Defining Our Terms

I don’t remember when I first heard the term “trickle-down economics.”  Wikipedia associates the term with “Reaganomics” and “laissez-faire capitalism,” a term

Thinking About How We Think

Rene Descartes, rationalist, skeptic, mathematician, scientist and modern philosopher is best known for his statement, “I think, therefore, I am.”