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Get Your Glow On! 6 Tips to Make Your Hair and Skin Shine

BPC) – Face it, winter is brutal for your skin and hair. Between the harsh, cold wind outside and the dry, overheated air inside, it’s hard to look your best all winter long. On top of that, everyone tends to overindulge in unhealthy food and drinks during the winter months. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to enhance your looks while boosting your body’s natural ability to fight off the ill effects of winter.

Here are some tips to look your best – even when the weather does its worst.

Treat your skin with TLC

Gently cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin every day. Find products best suited for your skin type and be consistent about using them.

Thoroughly remove makeup before bed and use extra moisturizer overnight so you’ll wake up with a brighter, clearer complexion each morning.

Deep condition your hair

Just as you use a good moisturizer to help replenish and protect your skin every day, find hair conditioners or deep conditioning oils that can prevent your hair from drying out, frizzing or turning brittle. Look for products using natural ingredients, and that are designed for your hair type.

Hydrate well – from the inside out

If you want hair and skin that aren’t overly dried out, it’s not enough to just condition or moisturize them from the outside.

Staying well hydrated, by drinking at least eight glasses of water each day, will help your body maintain healthier, more beautiful skin and hair. You’ll also feel better, inside and out.

Lastly, avoid drinking too many beverages that are dehydrating – like tea and coffee, soda and alcoholic drinks.

Detox with a Green Smoothie Cleanse and Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

Both cleanses developed by JJ Smith help to remove toxins from your system, resulting in brighter eyes, lusher hair and glowing, beautiful skin.

The Green Smoothie Cleanse is a 10-day detox made up of green leafy veggies, fruit, and water. Green smoothies are filling and healthy, aiding the body to lose weight, increase energy, reduce cravings and improve digestion.

Raw ingredients are more nutritious and loaded with beneficial vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, anti-inflammatory compounds, and phytonutrients.

The Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse involves consuming a six-day meal plan day alongside a daily dose of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar can contain strains of good bacteria and enzymes essential for breaking down foods and acetic acid for various health benefits.

The Cleanse can help rid your body of toxins, jump-start your weight loss and improve gut health and skin health.

For even better results, supplement the cleanses with Liver Focus, which contains scientifically validated ingredients to accelerate your results. You can mix the supplement directly into water or take it alongside the cleanses. This powerful supplement helps to accelerate fat burning in the body, gives you brighter eyes and glowing skin and has a significant impact on liver health and weight loss.

Visit JJSmithonline.com for your next steps.

Boost your vitamin intake

Many vitamins help keep your skin, hair, and nails healthy and beautiful: Vitamins A, B, Biotin (B7), C and K, plus fish oil. These vitamins are found in a variety of foods such as fruits and veggies (especially dark leafy greens), fish, nuts, and seeds. To be sure you’re getting enough of all these vitamins, you can also take vitamin supplements.

Protect your skin and hair from the elements

If you spend time outdoors, especially doing winter sports, keep your skin and hair covered. Exposing them to harsh wind, cold temps and winter glare can be damaging. Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage – yes, even in the winter! Snow and ice reflect UV rays, making them even more damaging than being at the beach in the summer.

Taking care of your health and your beauty are one and the same. Steps like these will make you feel good and look good, too.

by Brand Point Central

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