There’s something special about summertime. The days are longer. The warm temperatures make it easy to get outside. Life just seems more carefree.
The summer months provide the perfect opportunity to take your workout outdoors. Instead of spending evening after evening in front of the television, you can do something good for your mind, body, and soul.
Don’t let your progress cool down when the weather heats up! Try these tried-and-true tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy and fit this summer.
Use Your Time Wisely
Most of us are really busy during the summer and it’s hard to prioritize workouts. The good news is, you don’t need to spend hours in the gym to stay in shape. If you’re smart about how you use your time in the gym, you’ll find it’s easier to prioritize your fitness routine. Whether it’s an early morning jog or an evening walk, carving out that time to exercise each day will ensure that you get it done.
If your gym is close to work, grab a friend on lunch and head over for a full body sweat session. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and supersets are two great ways to get a killer workout in less time. In addition, both of these workouts can help decrease body fat, increase strength and endurance, and improve your overall health.
Keep a Workout Journal
Yes, it’s important to set long-term goals, but it’s equally significant to set smaller ones. Setting and achieving smaller goals is critical to making progress and will allow you to see your success in real time.
A workout journal is a simple and effective system for tracking your workouts. By recording your exercises, sets, reps, and weights, you can easily track your progress, hold yourself accountable, and maximize results. It will also help you stay organized as you progress in your training regime.
Hit The Beach
There’s so many ways to stay active at the beach this summer! You can swim, kayak, rollerblade, throw a frisbee, or play a few games of beach volleyball with friends. If the beach is close by, you can even ride your bike there! Most beach activities are free, fun, and a great way to stay active! Make sure you drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated and show up before 10 am or after 2 pm in order to limit sun exposure and avoid overexertion in the heat.
Have Fun with the Kids
Summer is the perfect time of year for outdoor water activities and its fun at any age. Not only are these activities a great way for kids to stay active, but they also provide an opportunity to explore their creativity. Whether it’s a simple water balloon toss, sliding down a slip ‘n slide, or a high-speed squirt gun chase, these affordable activities will create lasting memories and provide hours of fun.
Go for a Shady Hike
Hiking is a great way to get in shape. You burn tons of calories, it’s loads of fun, and who couldn’t use another excuse to spend time enjoying the outdoors? If you’re not a fan of the sun, Central New York has a variety of hiking trails filled with shady pathways. When you go on a hike, you get to explore places in nature that the roads cannot reach. If you have never hiked before, rest assured – there is a hike out there for everyone. Hiking is not a race to the finish line, but a low-impact workout that is about enjoying good company and immersing yourself in the beauty of nature with friends and family.
Enjoy Evening Activities
Whether it’s biking, splashing in the pool, or playing hide-and-seek until sunset, there’s no such thing as too much time outside, right? If you’re in the mood for some romance, you can take a walk on the beach with your honey. If not, grab a couple of your friends for a few games of tag-football or take a bike ride with the kids. You’ll beat the heat and it’s a great way to burn a few extra calories.
Eat Your Veggies First
There’s no need to skip the barbecues this summer! Instead of loading your plate with pasta salad and coleslaw, start with a salad or freshly grilled vegetables. Vegetables are low in calories, so you can fill up on fewer calories while still feeling satisfied. They’re also packed with “good for you” fiber, which is slow digesting and good for making your gut happy and regular. Eating vegetables before any protein or carbohydrates may also reduce the post-meal insulin spike and improve blood sugar control.
Hit the Gym
Don’t let that gym membership go to waste! If it’s too hot for tennis or pickleball, there are a number of great workout options to choose from at the gym and you’ll be in an air-conditioned building! Most gyms offer a variety of group fitness classes and they are a great way to stay active. A few favorites are total body sculpt for whole body toning, Pilates for core strength, HIIT classes for cardio and strength and Zumba for those summer party vibes. You can also use a variety of machines to get a full body workout that includes cardio. Use the stationary bike if you wanted to go for a bike ride outside.
Get Your Zzz’s
Who doesn’t like to stay up late in the summer? Just remember that an adequate amount of sleep plays an important role in our health and well-being. It also helps our body recover after tough workouts. If you make a habit of not getting enough quality sleep, the risk of health-related disorders such as heart disease, stroke, obesity and dementia can also increase. A good night’s rest also improves our brain performance, mood, and our overall health.
Drink Up
Did you know that more than 40% of people who exercise are at least partially dehydrated during their workouts? Aside from our increased activity, water is even more essential with the warmer temperatures that summer brings. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends active people have at least 16 to 20 ounces of water approximately 1 to 2 hours before an outdoor activity. This means you need to drink up before you even start your workout to stay hydrated.
Woman drinking bottle of water.
In Conclusion
You don’t need to spend hours outdoors or in the gym to stay healthy and fit. You just need to know what your fitness goals are, have a plan, and be consistent.
Remember, it’s not what you do once in a while, it’s what you do every day that counts.
So, get to it Central New York! Let’s stay healthy and fit this summer and for seasons to come. Good luck to you.
I have been a personal trainer for over twenty years and I absolutely love what I do. I honestly feel that I have one of the best jobs out there! The most rewarding part of my profession is helping one of my clients succeed at reaching their personal fitness goals. Making a difference in someone’s life makes it all worthwhile. I am currently certified by the National Sports Conditioning Association, Apex Fitness Group, and the International Sports Science Association.
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