As our cities burn we will woe our failure to address the Nuclear Issue with emcompassing intelligence and empathy for our country and our species. As most know, Kim Jong-un is the Supreme leader of the Republic of North Korea.
Of all people on earth his presence is more likely to alter the course of humankind than any other. This was all foreseeable. Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama all failed us. They watched with a shameful irresponsible complacent fear that froze their ability to act, as North Korea, in clear view of the world, continued their nuclear pursuit. Now they have the bomb that delivers pure hell on earth. They are on a fast track pursuit, seeking the missile technology to deliver this hell to America. For decades their calling has been American annihilation. Seoul has 22,480.000 people, Tokyo has 37,843,000. They are directly in the path of this maniacal countries whim and the danger is current and incredibly grave. In a few years the USA will be at North Korea’s mercy, (and there will be none) population 321,400.000. Everyone knew. And we watched. They seem to thrive on hate for America. Their people adhere with maniacal commitment to this horrifying naïve, nutty little leader. He is the nightmare within the nuclear world and he has arrived.
The entire North Korean population has been brainwashed since birth, against America. This forced an unstable environment that should have rendered North Korean nuclear development unthinkable…“and we watched”.
If we are to avoid the unthinkable we need to begin a long lost journey of building some sense of security in North Korean leaders, able to begin the reversal of North Korean paranoia. There has been a sense of obstinate superiority on our part that has prevented this. Diplomacy has been a very weak pursuit. The new South Korean President Moon Jae-in is willing to engage in talks with North Korea. If Trump could think with understanding and meaning, a well thought out summit, with carrots and assurances may well produce acceptable outcome. Kim Jung-Un may well respond to respect and attention. North Koreans need to believe they have nothing to fear from us. Communication on every available level is a necessity. Apart from halting the pursuit of the capacity to do us or their neighbor’s nuclear harm, we must be clear we wish only for their success and well-being. Nothing short of this kind of diplomatic effort can stop this end-times pursuit of human obliteration on an untold scale.
While ignoring this true eminent danger, our foolish leaders took us on this decade’s long foolish trip of bathing the Middle East with blood. With each death in each land came a huge family of unprecedented American hate. This mixed with a barbarous religion gave birth to an intense fanaticism seeking the most intense of human vengeance. A conviction to kill those that killed friends and family. Our leaders did this without the slightest concept of what held this radically religious place together. They did not consult Middle East Experts. There was no think tank to research the ways of the enemy. George II did not know the difference between a Shiite and Shia until the war was far underway. Look it up. And then google Arlington.
When I was young I believed that great effort went into think tanks before life and treasure was spent in war. In truth, the entire Middle East debacle is the result of shooting from the hip, minimally informed on a tragic level, and driven by misplaced Presidential testosterone. I am a believer in the “John Wayne” approach. These guys did not know what it is. It is indeed action. But action mixed with great bravery, intelligence and indeed exhausted processes of the highest order that insure right. Then, yes heroes, decide and heroes step in and fight and win. Bush II and Cheney had no idea what they were doing. Bush II smirked and thought, “heh, you can’t do that to my Dad”. And off they went.
As we tore apart the glue that held these countries together and wrought devastation and hate throughout the middle-east, we ignored North Korea. Then we made a bad deal with Iran. This “deal” has cast a nuclear future and has simply moved forward an intolerable nuclear threat, especially to Israel. It also provided for a lifting of sanctions worth billions which is financing their ongoing murderous disruption of the Middle East. It was a coward’s deal. There is no provision to inspect for underground facilities. Advancements could easily be ongoing.
Nine Countries possess nuclear bombs. The United States – 7300, Russia – 8000 the UK – 225 , France – 300, China – 250, North Korea – 6-8, India – 90-110, Pakistan – 100-120, and Israel 80. The United State and Russia share 93% of the estimated 16,300 bombs that exist. Others share 1141 bombs. Most of us have never seen these figures. In America those that inform do not think that matters that can destroy humanity are worthy of even reasonable public education.
Proliferation of recklessly protected nuclear materials and technologies among terrorists is a constant threat. Virtually every piece of nuclear material, spare parts and every scrap of lost or stolen nuclear technology must be found. The nuclear black market must be targeted with fierce determination. The plight of post-cold war, unemployed nuclear Scientists from Russia and former satellite countries must be investigated and the activities of each evaluated. Any proliferation from North Korea should be in the red line territory. There is no department of Nuclear Affairs that works 24-7 on all matters pertaining to Nuclear Danger and proliferation. No one coordinates knowledge and activity in one place. No one knows where all the bombs are. No one knows how many suitcase bombs there are, how many are missing, or who has them. We will use every force in mankind to find Bin-laden yet we barely look for the suitcase bombs, each powerful enough to take out Tel Aviv or Washington, D.C. Had an effective nuclear think tank existed the North Koran and Iranian threats would have been prioritized and halted long ago. This failure has endangered major cities and perhaps mankind. Nuclear recklessness is the ultimate of despicable. And how we do business.
You have the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, The International Atomic Energy Agency and others, each with designated responsibilities. For example the IAEA regulates the use of nuclear technology so that countries that have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and do not yet have nuclear weapons do not GET nuclear weapons. However, this does not affect countries like Israel, India and Pakistan, which have never signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. No agency embraces in a reasonably encompassing way, what I list above. Our best are not in charge.
All roads to oblivion are paved with self-interest and greed. Foremost are Nuclear, Climate, Environmental, and greedy economic decimation. We need to end Favor for Favor. We need to finance all elections. We need to replace the greedy self-centered hearts of current leaders with Patriots. Only when we see this, will the best that we can be govern our land. Selfishness will be removed from the chasm between ideologies and effective fairness and agreement will be found. When you replace self-centered hearts with Patriots they will think about human well-being. The future of mankind on these critical matters can be secured only by the best that humans can be. The greedy status quo is a glaring failure on every level. I have written about this for 30 years to no avail. The tree falls alone in the woods. Too bad. It is only mankind at stake.