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Love It Or Leave It

Well, it’s February so love should be in the air. Valentine’s Day is coming up so what medical advice do I have for you on this occasion?

First, if you are waiting around for one day a year to express your affection to someone you are missing the proverbial love boat. Increasingly, modern medicine is recognizing the critical role that stress and social isolation have on your mental and physical health. All those little pills in your cabinet may not actually do you as much good as a long walk with friends. Dr. Malcom Kendrick in his book, The Clot Thickens, points out a study wherein they used advanced computing methods to really investigate the factors leading to heart disease. Of the top ten causes, six were related to social isolation and stress!

We in the medical profession put way too much emphasis on the pills because it’s easy for everyone. Easy for us and easy for you but wrong.

Ask your doctor who put you on the statin drug for your cholesterol, instead of working on your diet, how much longer you will live if you take the statin. According to a study published in the prestigious British Medical Journal, “The median postponement of death for primary and secondary prevention trials were 3.2 and 4.1 days, respectively.” PMID: 26408281.

That’s right, published studies show you will live 4 days longer taking a statin. Dr. Micheal Gregor from NutritionFacts.org has a great video that shows that medication really only makes a 5% difference in health outcomes…95% comes from lifestyle. 


And here’s a great video by him specifically regarding statins.


Okay, to move away from the heart and back to love…don’t expect any love making tips from me but I can give you a few suggestions as to how to improve your sex life. First off, regular exercise makes sexual performance better. Second, there are safe supplements to help with your testosterone levels including DHEA, DIM, and fenugreek. Yes, women have testosterone as well so I am not just speaking to the male readers.

If your testosterone levels are low, make sure you get checked out for sleep apnea as it’s a well known cause of low testosterone, along with alcohol, obesity, diabetes and narcotic use. Third, if you need to use viagra or cialis you should understand that erectile dysfunction is your penis’s way of saying you are not living right. As an aside…using goodrx coupons which are free on the internet at their site will drastically reduce the cost of these pills.

My son recently got engaged and I was wondering if he was looking for any advice on marriage. So far he hasn’t asked but if he does I will relate the lyrics from the old Charlie Pride song…”Kiss an angel good morning and love her like the devil when you get back home.” Don’t be blase about the most important person in your life.

Maybe you don’t have a special person in your life. All the more reason to stay connected to others via some organization or club/group.

There’s the Optimists, the Kiwanis Club, the Rotary, and church groups galore. Be a part of something bigger than yourself.

Until next month…get well and stay well.


Dr. Barry