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Tens of Millions Dead for Democracy And it Ends Under our Nose

As we move forward, we need to see that our elections have lacked these integrities mentioned, to different degrees for generations. Trump was properly defeated with the best of integrity that could be derived from our corrupted system. This does not mean elections are fair or free from massive democracy destructive forces. 

The founding format of American government includes basic checks and balances to protect against power running amok. Founders of course had no idea that Corporations would evolve and become the behemoths of today, yet they did expect our wisdom to evolve with the times. Therein lie our failures. Our leadership allows and perpetuates Democracies decline by their sheepish acquiescence to monied desire with an absence of Patriotic “and” Brave leadership.  

This article represents the many inadequacies that set the stage prior to Trump, for him to be able to move 1/3 of our population.

Today two major voting machine companies dominate our elections. Diebold and ES&S. Though this is an American rather than a partisan issue it is Republicans that they favor. The software that operates computerized voting is a “trade secret” that no one understands except programmers and the Executives that once visited President Bush in Crawford, Texas. They have the ability to destroy us and we ignore them. They are the Executives of these voting machine companies that had sworn to the President to do everything possible to get him elected. This was big news when it happened. What are we supposed to think with these machines (without ample safeguards) in thousands of locations owned by men that swore allegiance to a specific Presidential candidate?  “There is no “trust and verify with absolute certainty,” just surface view of methodology and “trust.”  That doesn’t cut it in this too crooked world.  

People have a “Justified Right” to question elections. And they will have until we remove money from politics and replace those corrupted with bribery with patriots.   

This is what has happened to our country. In fact, our kids today fight with honor for us, but in political hypocrisy, as we do not have fair voting protection or Democracy.  “Our Democracy no longer exists.” How can anyone think that it does, when money, corrupted leaders, and corporations (who are now considered people due to our fully corrupted Supreme Court) are fully in charge of voting integrity with no paper trail and no way to verify results.    

We may never know if a CEO, an Executive, or a religious or strongly convicted software programmer fixed our elections. We know the extremes that the powerful and/or the extremist will go to. There is no rule, law or life that they will not violate. Providing them with easy opportunity for electoral abuse is pure insanity. Look at how hard RJ Reynolds fought and fights for Cigarettes whose primary function is to make money by killing humans. Look at Phizer. Celebrex is killing people and they won’t pull it for additional study. Merck’s Vioxx, another pharmaceutical, has killed thousands. They adhere to the principle of the corporate world which is money at any expense, including human life. Match these people with the bribed power hungry in government, stir, and the coup is complete. 

Along with Gerrymandering, the unbalanced electoral college, the grave disparities in government especially large differences in Senatorial power, (population of Wyoming 578,803 – 2 Senators, population of California 39.24 million – 2 Senators) a wide variety of state laws that restrict voting opportunity, and the lack of ample safeguards ensuring integrities throughout the system, democracy was diminished long before Trump.  What we have done is the unforgivable; we have turned over the integrity of our Constitutional system to monied and corporate world bribery and have exposed our most sacred tenet (elections) to easy rigging and unverifiable results. This renders the outcomes very much designed and an American disgrace. And our system and way of life show the damage everywhere.

Democrats should not feel smug or holier than thou. Their past complicity with Republicans in regard to taking money for favor sacrificed the only hope we had that this extreme departure from the American way would not take a strong hold in our land.  They should be ashamed. They squandered their major opportunity to be the party of greatness, and left us none.     

To bring truthful recognition into the minds of pre-conceived patriotic thinking is extremely difficult. Americans cannot believe what you read here. Everything seems OK.  Well, everything in pre-WWII Europe seemed ok to the half that was doing well. 

But cancerous tyranny had no mercy on where it slithered. The sophistication of election abuse has evolved to where we have Presidents achieving office as a result of tampering. Please grasp that removal of verification in itself is tampering and it is as foolish as banks leaving doors and vaults unlocked and unguarded, and trusting the same amount of money was there the night before. Ronald Reagan’s famous words (Trust and Verify) have founding wisdom.  

I write with exasperation. Intimidation and the removal of integrity have reached a surreal peak whereby the will of the people has been successfully circumvented to serve manipulative power. Our Democracy was designed to provide a government of and by the people that would enforce the intent of the finest document ever written on behalf of human well-being. On September 17, 1787 the Constitution of the United States of America was signed in Philadelphia. At the conclusion of this Constitutional Convention that led to this momentous signing that set unparalleled standards for justice to the course of man, Benjamin Franklin proffered an eerie warning born of the wisdom of many years of observing the hearts of powerful men.  It went as follows:

“Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”

Bill McClellan