There are so many reasons why you should work with a fitness professional. Whether you are eighteen or eighty-six, in great shape or just starting out, a qualified personal trainer can be one of the best investments you make.
You may think that there’s nothing in the gym that you can’t do on your own. You may assume that if you have a question, you can just ask the guy at the front desk. Maybe one of your fellow gym patrons can show you the ropes? Well, you’ve got it all wrong!
Steve Grosso & Mark Field
Yes, hiring a personal trainer has a price, but if you are truly committed to the process, it’s worth every penny. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen over the years on
the wrong workout programs for their goals. It’s common sense. If you want to get results and make your workouts a success, you need to do the right exercises and more importantly, do them correctly!
Personal trainers are experts in the field of health and fitness and they are your go to when you are looking for assistance with your exercise regimen. Not only will a personal trainer design a customized program specific for your goals, he or she will also show you things to do in the gym that are “outside the box.”
Here are a few reasons why a personal trainer is a great investment:
The number one reason people hire a personal trainer is to lose weight. About seventy four percent of adults in the United States are overweight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That includes nearly forty three percent who are obese, meaning they have a body mass index (BMI) (a measurement of body fatness based on weight and height) of thirty or higher.
There are many reasons why people hire a personal trainer, but one of the biggest is to have someone help keep them motivated. It’s easy for life to get in the way! Having someone to keep you inspired when you are having trouble staying committed makes all the difference in the world.
Beth Lockhart
A personal trainer has a plan to help you get the best results in the least amount of time. No matter what your goals are, your trainer will show you the proper way to warm up, the correct amount of weight and intensity to use for each exercise, the precise number of reps and sets of an exercise to perform, and the most efficient ways (durations and intensities) to do cardio. They will also show you how to properly cool down and stretch after each workout to help improve flexibility, decrease your muscle stiffness, and to alleviate soreness after workouts.
Do you work hard at the gym but feel like you’ve had the same physique forever? If you’ve been doing the same workout for years and are looking for better results, a personal trainer is your perfect solution. He or she will revamp your workout routine and get you back on track to reach your fitness goals.
I can speak on behave of most personal trainers when I say we want to believe that you will need us forever. However, the truth is, if you ultimately want to learn all the facets of designing your own routines so you don’t have to depend on one of us for the rest of your life, a few months of sessions may be all you need. Every good personal trainer will teach you the basics of building and modifying a fitness program to achieve maximum results.
Tracey Perkins
Most of us tend to ignore some of the subtle signals our body provides. We either push through the pain or give up before we’ve started. A personal trainer watches your form, monitors your vitals, and can provide objective feedback about your limits and strengths. They will also monitor your progress along the way so they can adjust things when necessary.
Purchasing sessions with a personal trainer is a big deal. For many, there is a significant amount of hesitation and even a bit of last-minute anxiety. Just remember, you will be less likely to skip out on a workout if you have a scheduled appointment.
Fifty percent of personal trainer’s clients have health related disorders due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, diabetes, or obesity. Others suffer from chronic low-back pain, need rehabilitation from an injury, or are seeking pre/postnatal training. A fitness professional will not only choose a workout that is best for all or any of these; they will also adjust your diet to help reduce or even get you off some of the medications you are taking. He or she can also work closely with your physician, physical therapist, or other health care providers to plan a safe, efficient program that will speed your recovery and allow you to reach your goals faster.
Working with a personal trainer is one of the fastest, easiest, and most successful ways to reach your fitness goals. They are not just do-this-and-do-that people. They are your personal confidant when it comes to your fitness and general health. They will motivate you when they notice you are losing interest, inspire you when you forget why you started, and encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle.
How do I know what all of the benefits of working with a personal trainer are? Well, because I am one, and I’ve seen a lot of life-changing transformations over the years.
With the right personal trainer, you can find the exercise program that works best for you and enjoy the experience of developing a lifestyle that places a high priority on your health and wellness. Good luck to you!