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Money in Politics Laying Waste to America

This article depicts the present and the future if we do not take money and bribery out of our system of leadership. We have drawn the worst of us. We are led by the worst of us. Greed sought their own and put them in office. The purpose of campaign finance is to brainwash values and train new leaders on how to win by bribery and serve the rich and corporate world. Those willing to play learn quickly. To win you must play for pay.  Their soul is sold on day one. And so are you.

This is what happens when you create a Constitution that adheres to the finest that we can be – and then fails to provide addendums to each item regulating adherence.  Without these addendums human weakness prevails. People need guidance less the greedy and able will walk all over, all that they can. And that is what happened.      

There is one specific cultural evil in our land that has slowly evolved. “Greed.” Our failure to amply understand, respect, and be terrified by this destructive force may well be our undoing. Greed is well on the way to destroying all hope for posterity. Evolve is a dirty little word. Reckless unguided change, usually disastrous, creeps in slowly. It goes unnoticed for a long time and then one day we wake up and the old way is gone. This creeping scourge evolved and has depleted integrity and values. With greed and wealth heading the charge, followed by corrupted leaders and then the coup-de-grace, the people forget, as the old way fades into history. Destitution for most us is underway. The resources for the system called “American” where all had hope, is now in rich mansions, private jets and massive yachts.

We have descended down a path of darkness in this great land intended to be the guiding light for all, everywhere. A land meant to cause respect for all of humanity and provide opportunity for all to find happiness. One percent already has over 50% of our bounty. The one percent are on a bullet train coming for the resources that provide the well-being for the rest of us. Unrestrained, their pursuit will succeed and the kings and queens of old will pale in comparison.

Think about the magnitude of what they have done so far and this is only the beginning. Imagine the jobs and small businesses that unregulated business practices have decimated. A few brief examples. Walmart, ATM’s and Self-Service Check-outs.  Walmart has depleted millions of jobs; auto parts, auto repair shops, groceries, retail, pharmacies and more. ATM’s replace bank tellers, self-service check-outs replace cashiers. These are minute examples to show clarity. Behind the scene robots and computers have taken 10’s of millions of good jobs. All the savings and increased profits go to the 1%. Your wages have not stagnated for a decade, they have been lowered. 

They have only just begun. Social media has been and will continue to shape us.  Wealth will buy its course and you will be fed and molded to keep them safe. AI will replace our thinking in the future, again in keeping with what will keep wealth safe. AI will take most of what is left. Quality of life for the masses will become a footnote in history. Drive through any inner city.

You are not immune from becoming what you see. Many of those you see in devastation were what you are. So goes the path of unregulated greed. 

Capitalism tempered with human justice is the best that we can be. Yet there is little wisdom in Capitalism unless it is reined in by fair regulated guidance. To bring clear understanding to this idea, I will provide a simple and clear analogy. Imagine the most beautiful wedding cake you have ever seen. Now leave it out for a month unattended.  When you come back you will find rot and discoloration and stench throughout. The cake will still be there but its attraction and purpose will have been decimated.  

In the same fashion, the guided Capitalism that came into being post WWII was the best of humanity, pursuing the best that we can be. America had learned to pursue a course that would provide happy lives for all. But rather than guide this wonderful system, like the cake, we left it to its own devices. And like the cake the resulting Capitalism turned into rot and discoloration and stench throughout.

Again, for the sake of understanding and clarity I am going to give you a basic and simple example of unregulated Capitalism: Say there are 12 hungry people. They are given a pie that is cut into 12 pieces and told to split it as best they can agree to. It is soon discovered that compassion and fairness are overwhelmed by the fittest. One is far stronger and far more cold-hearted than the rest. He takes 11 pieces and leaves 1 piece.  The remaining 11 caring and compassionate people are forced to split one piece.

Rinse and repeat and you will see how today’s America came about. A land where 1% own more than 50% of our bounty. A land where a few percent own 30 percent. 300 million Americans are forced to desperately divide the remaining 20%. They are forced to pursue “survival” rather than happiness and well-being. This is what happened with unguided Capitalism.  

Capitalism became a place where anyone that could, took all that they could. Not survival of the fittest, but a place where the greatest weakness and injustice in the human evolution could survive without rule, other than their own, and freely do untold damage to our species. This, totally demeaning the quality of humanity and the pursuits our intelligence and awareness would other-wise have brought forth. 

It seems the mantra, to draw the best that we can be, to save the world would be attractive and exciting. At first glance they are boring. Yet these are the words we should be willing to give our lives for. Because they alone can save us.



Bill McClellan