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Systemic Greed America’s Poison

In recent decades an ease in which greed can succeed unimpeded slowly evolved into American Systems embedding deeply in Government and Business. This was our downfall. Post World War II a comradery of American ideal set in that put us on a course that should be studied today. It was the real “America.” More than ever before we were adhering to our Founders hopes that by following our Constitution of Equality and Justice their intent would be realized. And that was for a new nation in “Pursuit” of the best that humans can be to eventually take hold. A land where freedom and equality would thrive for all, setting a shining example for humanity everywhere. Deep in their insight they set course for not just America, but for all lands to pursue human justice. A course worthy of our species.        

During this Post WWII era regulatory agencies were established to prevent us from abusing each other and to protect our course.  

Many will say the Government can’t do anything right. That is not true. Take bribery out of the system and the best that humans can be will prevail. The Government as intended “can” work for the people. Naysayers are merely giving up. There is no other answer. Government is all there is. It is to us to make it good or bad. For a while, post WWII, we did have many of our best in Government. During this era, a sense of honor existed that impeded the power of greed to take advantage. Had this held and Government and course remained, wholesome Government could have succeeded.  What we failed to realize was this was not permanent. It was an idealistic era brought on by the comradery and elation of saving humanity from the horrors of Hitler and Hirohito.  Winning the war fostered an era of human quality and a pursuit of equality historically unmatched. It held steady for about 20 years.

Pursuit of fairness for all was in play. Equality was in play. And guidance was put in place, less the power hungry and greedy take advantage. Laws and Agencies within government were established to ensure such pursuit, and the integrities to operate these agencies correctly were present. Patriotism was genuine and justified.

Several Government agencies targeting specific needs were all created to ensure fairness and to restrain the unfairness that exists within the pursuit of greed and private interest. It was realized that left unattended these ruinous human traits would destroy our Founders hopes. The absolute need for oversight of the course of the people was realized. (lest what we have today would take hold). So, a comprehensive array of agencies were developed, all with the intent of fulfilling public need with integrities compatible with the people. Post WWII the integrities of Government were compatible with the integrities of the people. Thus, the course, when the best that humans can be are in office, rather than the bribed.  

Imagine such organizations working for us, guided by the values of the people. This is what we had. “For a while.” Some major examples are:  

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) – FCC (Federal Communications Commission) – FTC Federal Trade Commission (Consumer Protection) – IRS (Internal Revenue Service) – Department of Education – CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) – CSB (Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board) – ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) – FDIC (Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation) – FED (Federal Elections Commission) – OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

These are just a few to show the intent. They were operated with great success (for a while) by the best of us as our leadership had integrity and set just course for the people. Today, all of them have been gutted to serve wealth and big business. Wealth, through propaganda convinced many that guidance was a violation of freedom when guidance in fact is all that can hold freedom together. Our leaders sold the integrities that guided them. Today such idealistic agencies are being retained by the power and greed and retooled as self-serving propaganda delivery systems. They are carefully staffed by cronies. They hide behind an appearance of serving you when you simply do not matter. Under the veneer of each agency is pure greedy evil. 735 billionaires own you and control America. Not the Government. That means that we are controlled by 0.000222727273 of 1% of your countrymen. And they are not elected.    

By the 70’s business had learned how to buy government: “simple bribery.” They knew the end result would be complete control over deregulation and allow regulation meant to deceive. One at a time over decades of elections they positioned policy and policy makers in keeping with their desires. Cronyism was their play and worked with stunning un-American results. Today, even the Supreme Court is staffed by cronies.  Study monopolies and trusts just a little. Once you understand you will be devastated by what they have done. Today, corporations have value equal to entire states. They are legally people. Each pursuing your money with no regard for you. Look at the deceit and death caused by pharmaceuticals, tobacco and big oil. Look at your phone or cable bill.  Everywhere you look your life is run by deceit and lies to get your money.   

One of the two greatest failures, is the dramatic weakening of Federal Anti-Trust Laws. The Antitrust Division was meant to enforce federal antitrust and competition laws. These laws were meant to prohibit anticompetitive conduct and mergers that deprive American consumers, taxpayers, and workers of the benefits of competition.  They were meant to protect consumers and businesses that are smaller from becoming monopolies. Several corporate practices, including monopolies, market allocation, bidding wars, and price-fixing, are covered under antitrust laws. All have been decimated by corporate power.  

We have individuals approaching trillionaire status as just a few families have more money than over 50 percent of our population. That is not only failure, it is suicidal abomination of the highest order for a society once pursuing equality and opportunity.  

The other failure of equal magnitude is FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission).  (FERC) is the United States’ federal agency with jurisdiction over energy regulation. They were charged with controlling energy and the resulting pollution which is poisoning the planet. Their perpetual failure over decades may well be responsible for the end of all society as we know it. Without corporate bribery and cronies taking over they were responsible for leading mankind through the climate crisis by regulating the energies at the root of climate change.  

The answers are to gut Campaign Finance Regulation in the same fashion wealth has gutted the American pursuit. This will return governance to a government of the best that humans can be. And to gut and completely replace the lobbying system. The replacement would be a non-profit advisory system. So many of you have already come up with reasons why these things will not work. That is wrong. This will work. I am absolutely baffled that we expect answers from a system corrupted and poisoned to its very core by greed. No one even talks about it. If you remove bribery and greed, every thought will then be in the interests of the people and real American pursuit as intended will be restored. So damn easy if good people were in charge.                   

Bill McClellan