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Wake Up Humanity Climate and Nuclear Threat are Real

The greatest problem with human beings is our sheer inability to get along. This is a barbaric evolutionary trait we have not been able to evolve away from. The price for this has been 10’s of millions of lives, and now may well be most of the rest of us.  For this reason alone, we all live in an environment cloaked with nuclear danger. As well, we cannot agree on climate change, let alone seek solution and environmental justice. Our corporate system, riddled and ruled by greed and bribery, has stymied any progress toward restoring environmental sanity. The heat, fire, flood, storm and glacier melting records we have broken just this year should reign terror in all of our hearts. I use intentional force in this wording as we are so collectively dumb, we will allow these hideous greedy pied piper corporations to lead us to the cliff and we will just walk over to our demise.

We are almost there. For heaven’s sake, how much proof do you need? We will protest violence, abortion (both sides), LGTBQ rights, and on and on, but we will not move from our couch to save the planet from nuclear and/or environmental Armageddon. Good grief are we stupid.

Our inability to get along has broken down our value system in the only land that could have saved us. Ours. For many in America, the American Dream and the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution with the Bill of Rights apply only to whites. They are okay with small contingents of successful people with various origins.  And they are okay with many others so long as they know their place. But the white picket fence (which requires money and opportunity) belongs essentially to them. And within those confines only, does the beauty of America that I mentioned apply. Earth’s demographics are changing and in America, Blacks and Hispanics and other non-whites will become the majority. This is inevitable and cannot be changed. Our only hope is to live up to what truly sets the best of humanity apart from the wild: Care, love and compassion.  

The American experiment is about pursuing course that places equal value on all people and to provide a path for all of humankind to seek happiness. It is pursuit of the finest kind. Yet it is pursuit that is lost on many and the price is horrendous and the Achilles heel of mankind. It is tragic that it is not intrinsic to our nature to adequately care for each other no matter our origin.  

A large part of America is hanging on to a way of life that does not embrace a changing planet. And they have never embraced with meaningful deed the fairness and equality pursuits of our founding. Racism is a primary contributor to the lack of equal pursuit, yet it has a competitor. Not too deep within the heart of humanity lay a monster that would decimate equality even among whites: “GREED.” To ensure the success of greedy pursuit, greed fed the greedy among themselves wherever power lies. This would ensure that rule could be manipulated wherever they could take and destroy. And they did. And quality of life has plunged for the people throughout the land. Land, Sea and Air have been polluted and now present an ominous nearing demise. All this was achieved by “Money in Politics” where the devil revels in our lack of self-control and self-destruction.

Corporate greedy ways held until THEIR reckless abuse of oceans, and air, and forests, and rivers, and resources, and just about everything else came home to roost. The world is no longer the same. Mother nature has found us a destructive force that does not respect her design. And it looks like it may be our undoing.

EIGHT BILLION humans are now on earth. Earth cannot sustain this in this environment of current greedy planet destroying pursuits that are underway. Getting rid of oil as a primary energy source is essential to all life on the planet and is barely discussed. Our system of “money in politics” draws our worst and has allowed a few thousand oil executives to rule on the future of earth. The same applies to most corporate endeavor.  A system grounded in greed for those that “can take” dooms the masses. It decimates everything that satisfies greed. It ignores that resources are limited and that excess destroys eco systems and environments. Greed ignores the health of the planet. Our leaders will line their pockets and kiss the ring of wealth and greed before they will save the world. The reckless course of greed seems eager to end the world. Why? They know. My God why? Ending “money in politics” is our only hope, and it does not look good. This would provide the best of what we are to lead and that is the only hope. Literal Truth. But we are running out of time.  

On 15 November 2022 earth’s population reached 8 billion people. Earth has exceeded the planet’s capacity to regenerate and replace what is used. There is no longer a place where just whites or anyone else can live without others in need seeking space to exist. All people must be able to accept massive demographic and planetarily change as the Earth responds. Planetary geographic changes will eventually force an entire restructuring of societies all over the world. Populations must move when their lands are decimated. When lands are buried at sea, or no longer produce, or become havens for renegades that cannot be controlled, people have no choice but to migrate. 

The takers realize the likelihood of massive breakdown of the systems that provide human well-being. They are aware of nuclear danger. They are aware of climate change and over-population. I have been baffled as to why they don’t even meet to offer solutions. They have been and are preparing for potential demise. They have carved away mountains and built cities inside and underground to ensure their own safety.  With the money they stole from your quality life and the beauty and vitality they stole from a healthy planet. They squandered your quality of life and they are willing to squander you. As they start over when the hellish chaos ends in whatever is left of the planet.  

Humanity is on a runaway train. Our greatest wisdom must be put to work. It will not happen from the couch. 

Bill McClellan